Letter to Myself as a Brand New Mama

Dear new mama, what a beautiful and terrible day this is. I know you are hurting. I know you are exhausted. I know you are falling in love with that tiny creature in your arms.

Everyone is giving you advice right now, and it feels pretty overwhelming. Take in what makes sense to you, and politely ignore the rest. Here is what you really need to know.

To Play or Not to Play

So, what’s the answer here? Am I a bad mom because, if I’m honest, I don’t want to play with my kids all the time? Is it wrong that every time I sit down to play with them I get anxious and stressed about all the things I could be getting done? I’m over here trying to raise two healthy humans, keep us all fed and clothed, develop my own damn self, AND I have to play Paw Patrol?!

Parent Empowerment Coaching: Why It Matters

Parent Empowerment Coaching takes the parent and helps them take some time out to focus completely on their own goals and dreams. It gives them the space to refocus on what will make them a happier, more centered human being. Part of this may be a focus on parenting or how to handle their children; it can be geared to whatever the parent feels they need at that time in their lives, without judgement or opinion.

F-Word Parenting: Feminist Parenting for Today’s World

My name is Hannah, and I have internalized patriarchy. Phew, that felt good. Take a look at your life, at those moments when your stomach drops and you’re judging the hell out of yourself. Really take a moment and look at it. What makes you feel in that moment that you aren’t enough? What makes you feel that there’s something you “should” be doing to be a “good” mother? Where is that coming from? And then ask yourself this: if I were a dad, would anyone be asking this of me?