Parent Empowerment Coaching
Reconnect with your “why”…
Well, being a parent is a beautiful, magical thing. It can also be a bit of an exhausting rollercoaster, am I right?!
When I became a mom, I felt like I lost a huge part of my identity. This ended up making me feel burnt out, wracked with “Mom Guilt” and starting to feel resentful that my life had taken this direction. So I decided to switch up my focus, and make myself a priority.
I decided to treat myself the same way I treated my kids. I focused on creating joy in my life (and noticing it), I spent time reconnecting with my passions, I stood up for my own needs and wants. I started to feel joyful, I stopped allowing myself to get to burn out, I began to feel excited again. I began to do what makes me come alive - and that’s Coaching.
I want to help parents move from burnout to fulfillment, from guilt to confidence, and from a life focused only on serving others to one that includes themselves.
Parent Empowerment Coaching is rooted in the simple yet powerful philosophy that parents are human beings with equal value as their children, who have important needs, dreams, and goals, and that these humans deserve to have someone on their side supporting them along the way.
When I became a parent it was so easy to lose myself in the wants and needs of my family. I want to provide a space where you are the focus, and where your wants and needs are explored and addressed so that you can be the most joyful, fulfilled version of yourself you can be. And yes, of course, this will have the wonderful side effect of helping you parent with more confidence and joy.
Some topics discussed can include (but are never limited to):
· Preventing and/or healing Parental Burnout.
· Freeing yourself from Parental Guilt.
· Setting healthy boundaries in all areas of life.
· Refocusing on personal, physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or professional goals.
· Creating meaningful and achievable parenting goals.
· Having your feelings heard, validated, and held in a safe space.
Schedule a 30 minute Parent Empowerment Coaching Session for free!
Give the Gift of Parent Empowerment Coaching!
If you know an expecting or new parent who could use some support, purchasing Parent Empowerment Coaching sessions for them is the perfect gift! Give the kind of gift that so many need but never think to put on their registry. Trust me, they’ll thank you!
Gift Packages are available in packages of 3, 6, or 12 sessions.
Click here to contact us and purchase one of the best gifts a new parent could receive!
From Patriarchy to Empowerment Parenting: Parenting Quiz and Tips!
Did you ever wonder if Patriarchy is impacting you as a parent? Take this quiz and find out if Patriarchy is influencing how you feel about yourself as a parent! After you take it, read about steps you can take to free yourself from Patriarchy’s influence and move toward Empowered Parenting.