Forget Resolutions!: Healthy Ways to Set Goals in the New Year

Forget Resolutions!: Healthy Ways to Set Goals in the New Year

I’m a huge fan of goals (it’s kind of what I do), but New Year’s resolutions aren’t always my favorite. This is because, like so much else in our culture, New Year’s resolutions have been turned into vehicles for selling us things; and how are we sold things? Through shame. 

We are told to become a “new you”. We are led to feel shame about our bodies, so we buy the latest diet fad or workout equipment. We are made to feel like our accomplishments aren’t enough, and so we fill the hole of our disappointment with things. 

I bet you already know that buying things and going on diets don’t tend to make us feel the way we hoped they would, at least not long term. True, meaningful change is always rooted in self-love and belief. No one can sell you that. 

As a coach, I know very well that shame is a horrible motivator. This is why I suggest you steer clear of resolutions and focus on your goals and wins instead. Taking time at the end of the year to reflect and recenter is an excellent idea, and a real opportunity for growth. As usual, it’s all in how you approach it. 

 So, rather than set some unattainable, shame-based New Year’s resolution, let me invite you to do something more empowering that will actually set you up for growth in the new year. 

Here are some healthy, positive ideas for New Year goal setting:

List your wins. I’m not only talking about huge accomplishments like graduating college or getting a promotion at work. I’m talking about real, everyday wins. For example:

  • Getting back in touch with your intuition.

  • Prioritizing rest.

  • Setting a healthy boundary. 

  • Speaking up for yourself. 

  • Finding movement that brings joy. 

  • Taking small steps that weren’t easy.

Get creative!

Make a visual representation either of the year you’ve had and what it’s taught you, or the year you want to have and what you hope it will bring. This can take any form that feels right to you, including:

  • Collage or vision board. 

  • Painting or drawing.

  • Poem or story.

  • A video, dance, or song.   

Make a Goal Map!

Start with your big goal. Really visualize it and either write it down or draw it. Make it clear in your mind and on the page. 

  • Make sure your goal isn’t shame-based, and that it is achievable. 

  • The goal is the end of the map (though only the beginning for you!) From there you work backwards. What steps will be necessary to get to that goal? What will be happening right before you achieve it? What will need to happen to get to there? Go backwards until you’ve gotten to small, manageable steps that you can take every day. 

  • Be as creative as you like! This can be anything from an outline in a word document to an actual treasure map! Whatever makes your brain come alive, do that!

Focus on self-love.

Spend some time writing down or getting creative about what you love about yourself, what you’re proud of, and what you just know you can achieve. Starting the year with a strong belief in yourself and your value will only help you have the kind of year we all want. 

There are as many creative ways to bring in the New Year as there are people, so do what fills you with joy and hope. If something makes you feel like you aren’t enough, or like you have to change yourself in order to be valuable, run in the other direction. 

This year, just like every other year, you deserve to be hopeful for what the year brings to your wonderful self. I hope you’re as excited for yourself as I am for you!

Are you ready to take a real step forward? Want a partner in setting and achieving your goals? Schedule a Free Coaching Session with me and see if Coaching is right for you this year!


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